To that end, I visited
my 30-something Japanese CFNM mistress three times.
I have met up with her about a dozen times over the past 3 years. Usually she is by herself, but occasionally another woman was at her house too. (I haven’t progressed to 3-or-more ladies yet.)
Normally our time consists of me stripping nude, and she (or they) then spends some time hugging and/or fondling me. Before long, she gets down to some serious cock-stroking, and all is right with the world. Invariably, her arm will get tired before I have climaxed, so she orders me to take over.
Ten years ago, I would never have thought I would do that (masturbate in front of someone else), but it is such a rush to entertain females that way. (Here is my inspiration.)
At first, she would just watch in silence, only inches away from the action. But one day I said to her “Do you like to watch me?”, and ever since then she has a non-stop stream of chatter while I am pleasuring myself for her entertainment. “Give me your juice!” and “Cum on my face!” are her 2 favorite sayings, as I recall. (It’s all talk though, because one time I actually started cumming on her face, and she quickly put her hands up to block it. That’s ok, I enjoy the thought.)
I will say that she has never sucked my cock, nor have we done the nasty. Maybe because then she loses the upper hand in the relationship? It’s all good though. I thoroughly enjoy the CFNM, her handjobs, facesitting, and masturbating for her amusement. She even works her finger up my butt at least once per visit. I’d love to have her peg me, and have asked her about it, but she hasn’t said yes (or no) yet.
Having said all that, these last 3 visits have deviated from the norm. Now, she spends very little time satisfying my needs. Instead, it has evolved to me pleasuring her. After I strip, I get on my knees and remove her short-shorts and panties, then kiss her sweet firm ass. We spend the rest of the time with my face buried in her crotch, as she alternates between lying on her back and getting up on all fours.

In both cases, my tongue is working overtime on her pussy and anus. (Incredibly, there is no smell from either location. She must be a world-class bather!) Each day, I brought her to 2 orgasms, and it is amazing to watch her. During the buildup she is mostly still, and only gasps and says “Oh yeah!” over and over. Once I send her over the edge, her body convulses wildly, and continues to shake for a minute or two afterwards. I was hoping she would be a squirter like I've seen in internet videos, but no dice. (Once I tried to continue licking her, but she made me stop so she could regain her composure.)
On one occasion, I failed to heed
the warning I gave others here. At her moment of orgasm, her thighs snapped shut around my head. Fortunately, she is a 100-pound Japanese woman. Had she been more substantial, I would probably have a Split Cocoanut.
I am actually quite proud of myself having found this ability to give a woman multiple orgasms in such a short time span, and on several different days. The last time I saw her, she said next time we will go back to our old ways, while also including our new game. I can hardly wait!